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Showing posts from July, 2023

#Economic growth & #Environmental degradation: terrific or toxic duo?

  #Economic growth and #environmental degradation are often considered to be in #conflict with one another. Economic growth is typically measured by an increase in gross domestic product (#GDP) and is often associated with increased industrialization and consumption, which can lead to environmental degradation. Environmental degradation refers to the decline in the #quality of the natural environment and can include issues such as air and water #pollution, #deforestation, and loss of #biodiversity. One of the main ways that economic growth can lead to environmental degradation is through the increased use of #fossil fuels. As economies grow, there is typically an increase in #energy consumption, which is often met by burning more fossil fuels. This leads to increased #greenhouse gas #emissions, which contribute to #climate change. Additionally, the extraction and use of fossil fuels can have negative impacts on local ecosystems and communities. Economic growth can also lead to ...